Celebration of the Word
RIGHTS RESPECTING: Article 14 - I have the right to have my own thoughts and beliefs and to choose my religion with my parents' guidance.
'People who see you at your best will thank God.'
Based on Matthew 6:16
The school day is punctuated with prayer.
Children participate in daily prayer. The school week begins with Celebration of the Word led by the leadership team. This is based on the Sunday Gospel readings of the churches year. Each class contributes to this prayerful experience, by writing their own bidding prayers to be shared with the school community. Each class is given a Monday mission, where they are inspired by scripture to act positively and live out the mission.
The teaching staff team lead Celebration of the Word for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 each Wednesday. This follows the church liturgical year.
Each week, children pray with their class. This may be meditation, creative prayer, prayer journaling or leading a short celebration of the word. At the end of their RE units of work, parents have the opportunity to attend the end of unit prayer experience with their children.
School groups e.g. Mini Vinnies, School Council and Laudato Leaders plan and prepare prayer spaces for the children to visit during Lent and advent.
We aim to provide everyone in our school community with the opportunity to a wide range of spiritual experiences. We have a quiet space in school our Muslim children and staff can use to pray during the school day.