RIGHTS RESPECTING: Article 41 - Where our country treats us better than the UN does, we should keep up the good work!
Our school is part of Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust.
The Local Governing Committee meets at least once each term and are appointed to:
Lead our Catholic school ensuring that the school's Catholic mission and life are at all times promoted and developed. They are accountable for assuring high quality in the provision of all the curriculum including Religious Education and prayer and worship. They appoint staff who enhance the distinctive nature of the school. They determine and monitor the school's budget and premises. They are responsible for school admissions and attendance.
The Local Governing Committee have further legal duties, powers and responsibilities, including safeguarding and health and safety. They act together, they cannot act individually.
St Charles' Governors are:
- Foundation Governors appointed by the Bishop
- Parent
- Staff member at the school
Parent Governor:
- has a child in school
- is elected by parents of the school
- serve, as do other governors, for four years
- Parent Governors bring views of parents to the Local Governing Committee, but they speak and act as individuals. They do not vote for all parents in general. They have equal status in the work of the Local Governing Committee and have voting rights.
The Local Governing Committee can be contacted through the Chairperson, Mrs Maureen Block, at the school address.
Mrs Louise Nealings
Pecuniary Interests: none
Term of office: since 1 January 2015
Mrs Maureen Block
Chair of Local Governing Committee (LGC) - Foundation Governor
Pecuniary Interests: none
Term of office: 1 September 2014 - 31 March 2025
Miss Rebecca Thomas
Staff Governor
Miss Thomas joined the LGC in September 2021. She was elected by the staff team.
Mr Nick McTernan
Foundation Governor
Pecuniary Interests: none
Term of office: 21 December 2017 - 31 March 2025
Mrs Elizabeth O'Mahony
Foundation Governor
Pecuniary Interests: None
Term of Office: 19 November 2019 - 31 March 2025
Mrs Jemma Devine-Wilkinson
Parent Governor
Pecuniary Interests: None
Term of Office: 25 October 2019 - 31 March 2025
Mr Adrian Tate
Foundation Governor
Pecuniary Interests: None
Term of Office: 23 December 2021 - 22 December 2025
Mrs Amy Bone
Foundation Governor
Pecuniary Interests: none
Term of office: 26/01/2023 - 25/01/2027
Ms Katie Hickman
Clerk to Governors
Clerk from Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust supports the LGC meetings.
Mrs Tracey Ambrose
School Business Manager
Mrs Ambrose is not a member of the LGC. She may be asked to provide information for meetings.